Youth for Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) Social Service-Learning Internship

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Youth for Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) Social Service-Learning Internship

This is an internship program initiated by Kadambari Memorial College (KMC), the school of social work in order to provide opportunities to secondary school and high school students /graduates to involve in socialservice-learning platforms and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals from their individual and group efforts. The program is designed to provide hands-on experience in community and social service through training sessions, NGO placement, and socialservice camp. The students will learn about important social issues in relation to marginalised and disadvantaged people and communities and engage in activities to reduce these inequalities. They will develop their personal and social skills to work in groups and communities.This internship not only involves the students but also trains students in voluntarism, SDGs and civic responsibility to contribute to Global Goals, deepening their understanding with reflection and sharing through supervision from the Social Work supervisors.

The program is designed with training on social service and voluntarism and SDGs and the role of youth from Kadambari Centre of Research, Development and Innovation. After the training , the students will be placed to NGOs where they will involve with the project team in working with communities supporting the project team. During the placement, the students receive continuous supervision from Social Work supervisors from KMC. Looking at the number of students, KMC team will plan a social service camp for five days. At the end of the program, the students will present their learning to KMC team and receive the certificate of completion.

Eligible for Internship

  • SEE appeared
  • +2 level appeared
  • A levels

Duration of Internship

The period of internship is for 5 weeks. The working days for the students will be for 3 days a week (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday).

Objective of the program

  1. Provide a learning space to understand and explore the self as evolving social being.
  2. Develop understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals and the role of young people.
  3. Get exposure to hands on experiences on social issues and the ideas on solving the social problems.
  4. Develop skills of working as team player and enhance leadership skills.
  5. Foster a sense of civic responsibility and active citizenship.
  6. Support young people in their higher study and career choice.

Why Kadambari Memorial College in this initiative ?

KMC is a pioneer school of social work Nepal and is offering Bachelor and Master program in social work form Purbanchal University since 2005. Nurturing young minds to professional social worker as tools of just societies is our mission. We are dedicated to this mission with support from our NGO field work educators from last 17 years.

As social science and humanities study is facing challenges of not being the choice of the young students of Nepal in their university studies. This has also pulled back the potential of young people to choose their career in area of social development. Kadambari is trying to open a space for the young people to experience the social reality and craft the empathy and sense of responsibility in building sustainable societies.

Why NGO partnership in this initiative ?

Kadambari’s social work program has not been possible without the internship of its in NGOs. With our 17 years of working in partnership with NGOs , we have found that, the training that the young people get in NGOs with the supervision, have a profound effect in shaping their minds. The same we are planning to offer to the young students in the form of volunteering where both of us have an opportunity to show and feel the Nepalese society and its social issues and craft the sense of citizenship of Nepal.


  • Pradipta Kadambari ( She/her)

          Principal: Kadambari Memorial College

          Team Leader : Centre of Research, Development and Innovation (CRDI)



  • Neesha Shakya ( She/her)

          Coordinator : Centre of Research, Development and Innovation (CRDI)

            Faculty member: Kadambari Memorial College



  • Samjhana Bhetwal ( She/her)

        Field work coordinator/ Faculty member

         Kadambari Memorial College
