International Social Work Study Program


International Social Work Study Tour

Kadambari hosts study tour of international universities and college in Nepal and also brings Kadambari students to International Study tour in their final semester as it curricular activity. Kadambari believes in nurturing students from global knowledge and practice and building their capacity to localize the global knowledge to apply in different context, country and crowd. 

International Social Work Study Tour- International Universities

Kadambari hosts international students in Nepal study program. The duration of the program depends on the requirement of the Universities. The Kadambari campus chief / lead of International Relationship works with international partners to develop an itinerary that provides learning opportunities for students and meets international assessment requirements. 

The hosting is designed to provide opportunity for international students in Nepal to interface various social structures, cultures and practices of Social Work. As an emerging profession in Nepal, international students got an opportunity to witness the development of Social Work as profession and academic program. The close and good relationship of Kadambari , allows it to organize  interactions of the students with micro, mezzo and macro level of Social Work in Nepal context. Stakeholders like, National Human Right Commission Nepal, Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Nepal Police are organized to provide border knowledge on Nepal’s  national bodies, their policy and program in human rights, sustainable cities and communities , community policing  and criminology.  INGos and NGOs discussion are organised to deepen the understanding on the social issues and interventions while community engagement activities are offered to interact with the beneficiaries. Depending upon the duration and need each programs are tailored to provide maximum opportunity to expose , experience and enhance self capacity of each student.  The programs is also integrated with the students exchange activity with Kadambari students and foster the relationship between the students of Kadambari and incoming university or college. 

School of Human Services and Social Work, Logan Campus, Griffith University, Curtin University from Australia are having a regular study program from 2016. Singapore University of Social Science, Singapore,   Don Bosco College, Goa, India also had their study tour hosted by Kadambari.  M.S University, Gujrat, Don Bosco, Sikkim, University of Karnataka had their visits and interactive sessions with Kadambari team during their social work study tour Nepal. 

For Study program with Kadambari write to or

Past International Study Tour / Study Visits

  • School of Human Services and Social Work, Logan Campus, Griffith University, 2016, 2018 
  • Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS), 2018 
  • Curtin University, Perth, Australia, 2018 
  • Don Bosco College, Goa, 2017
  • M.S University, Gujarat , 2017 
  • Don Bosco College, 2018
  • Karnataka University, 2013

Our International Students Reflection

“Nepal is an thnic mosiac and this eclecticism is evident througout this beautiful country…. it forms the beautiful fabric of which the greater Nepali culture is woven…which makes the practice of Social Work even more challenging. From the perspective of an international visiting Social Work students from Griffith University, Australia who had the previlage to travel on this field trip and to share and exchange knowledge with Nepali students, the teaching team of Kadambari , their time and space, I can truly say it was a life chaning experience. I was confronted with experiences I could not bracemyself for. It challenged my personal values and beleifs, but also forced me to explore new ways of seeing. I will always be grateful for this. 

I am forever changed through my experience with Kadambari College.An amazing institution with innovative approaches, importantely, the drive to armn their students with the skills and knowledge to deliver invaluable social services throughtout Nepali society in a challenging environement to practice. The students I met on my trip and ones becomgin are truly pioneer of much needed services in the realm of Social Work.

With Much Respect “


Griffith University Field Trip 

June 2016


In the final year of BSW program, all Kadambari students go to international Social Work Study Tour to interface the urbanization, its effect on people’s life, urban social issues, national policies and program of the visiting country. The tour is organized by Kadambari International relationship office in coordination with Social Work Colleges/department/ University of the visiting country.The duration of the tour varies from 7 days to 20 days. Till now Kadambari has been taking students to India as International destination. From this year it has  extended its reach to Bangkok.


  • Shram Marg, Kathmandu
  • 01-4795051


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