About KMC

Welcome to Kadambari Memorial College: Nurturing Tomorrow's Change-Makers

At Kadambari Memorial College, we believe in the intrinsic value of humanity. No amount of economic or technological progress can be truly prosperous if it doesn’t encompass the promotion and protection of human dignity and worth. We understand that true achievement lies not just in material advancement but in the creation of just societies. This profound belief has driven us to establish Kadambari Memorial College, a university-affiliated institution, in 2005.

Our journey began as pioneers, launching the Social Work program affiliated with Purbanchal University. Over the years, we’ve grown into the only college in Nepal offering only Social Work programs. In 2023, we extended our commitment by introducing the Master in Social Work program, marking a significant milestone in our dedication to producing skilled professionals who champion social development. With this, we are now offering Bachelor of Social Work, BSW and Master in Social Work, MSW programs.

Empowering Education, Transformative Values: At Kadambari, we believe that education should be more than just academic pursuit – it should be transformative, empowering students with a strong foundation of values, wisdom, and principles of humanity and social justice. Our coursework prioritizes critical thinking, planetary consciousness, problem-solving, and innovation, ensuring that our graduates are prepared to make a positive impact in a rapidly changing world.

A Supportive Community of Learners: We are dedicated to fostering a learning environment that nurtures growth and empowerment. Our experienced faculty members bring a wealth of theoretical and practical knowledge in social work, social sciences, and indigenous wisdom. As active contributors to the development and revision of the Social Work curriculum at Purbanchal University, we are committed to shaping the future of social work education in Nepal.

A Vision Born from Need: In 2005, Nepal emerged from a decade-long conflict, leaving a trail of profound societal challenges. The aftermath demanded attention to single-parent families, orphans, abandoned elders, and traumatized individuals. As the nation grappled with political instability and family separation due to labor migration, a group of visionary scholars, including Dr. Bala Raju Nikku, Dr. Pranita Bhushan Udas, Ms. Pradipta Kadambari, Mr. Sanjay Kadambari, Late Ms. Komal Magarati, Mr. Joyson Josh, and Prof Mahendra Narayan Mishra, came together to establish Kadambari Memorial College.

Building a Legacy of Excellence: We understood the need for professionally trained social workers to address these pressing issues. Thus, Kadambari Memorial College was founded with the mission to prepare socially conscious professionals who can serve marginalized communities and contribute to sustainable social development. In pursuit of excellence, we established the Sutra Centre for Development Education and Research, a non-governmental organization that shares our commitment to professional education and research for equitable social progress.

Today, Kadambari Memorial College stands as a beacon of academic vibrancy and proactive engagement. With an unwavering focus on quality education, we aspire to become a national institute of excellence in Social Work in Nepal. Our young and dedicated team of faculty members and management are driving us towards this vision with passion, professionalism, and a resolute commitment to shaping the future of social work education.

Join us in this inspiring journey of education, transformation, and positive change. Together, let’s build a better tomorrow for individuals, families, and communities, both locally and globally.