Dil Kumar Thakuri

Meet Kadambari Team

We believe “Thinking Globally acting Locally.” More than a Degree we make a Difference

Dil Kumar Thakuri

Vice Campus Chief
  • dilkumarthakuri@hotmail.com
  • +977 9851143056 / 9851004578
  • Baneshwor-10, Kathmandu, Nepal

Educational Background:

  • 2017 AD M. Phil in Education Leadership Kathmandu University, Nepal 
  • 2005 AD Master of Arts in English Tribhuvan University, Nepal 
  • 2003 AD Bachelor of Arts in English and Sociology Tribhuvan University, Nepal

Educational Background:

Mr. Thakuri is the Vice Campus Chief at Kadambari College. He teaches Academic English and Advanced Social Work Research. He is an M. Phil in Education Leadership from Kathmandu University, Master Degree in English from Tribhuvan University and holds ESL from Canada. He has 18 years of experience in teaching and training students from school level to college level. He was also the principal of Nepal College of Development Studies.  He has presented paper on Servant Leadership, Flexible Learning and Child Separation issues in national and international levels. He has also taken teachers’ training from University of Cambridge, UK and British Council, Nepal. He is a member of Nepal English Language Teachers’ Association (NELTA) and also a former secretary of International Teachers’ Association (ITA), Nepal.